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7 Things to Consider When Installing a Vinyl Click or Laminate Floor

The cost to install laminate and luxury vinyl click includes more than the installation of the planks. Here are some things to consider when getting flooring estimates:
1. The current flooring needs to be removed and disposed of. The cost varies for the demo, from carpet to laminate to glue-down flooring. If the flooring is already removed, then there’s no problem.
2. Once the demo has taken place, the floor must be thoroughly cleaned and checked with a moisture meter to ensure that the foundation is solid and to maintain warranties for labor and materials.
3. The next phase is pouring float to ensure the floors are flat so the planks will lay properly and you will not have hills and valleys.
4. Next, a good-quality underlayment needs to be installed to help with moisture issues and the sound of the planks. Look for a good quality underlayment with both sound and waterproof properties.
5. Proceed with the installation of the planks, leaving space against the walls for movement in the house and the planks themselves. At least a 10% overage is required for cutting plus at least one box for reserve should the laminate get damaged.
6. Transitions now need to be installed. Sometimes matching ones are available; sometimes, we use wood and stain to match. T-mold and reducers are common transitions from one flooring type to the next.
7. Since gaps are left around all walls, quarter-round or shoe molding trim is customarily installed to cover the gap while leaving room for movement.
 With these items in mind, you are sure to be able to choose the best flooring estimate near you.

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