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Wood flooring types: Solid and Engineered


Solid Wood Flooring:

This flooring usually comes in long hardwood planks. This wood flooring is install by nailing down the planks on the subfloor. These are easy to install and are interlock firmly because of the tongues and grooves on the planks, but great skill is require to install them.

Engineered Wood Flooring:

Engineered wood flooring installation cost has roughly the same appearance as solid plywood, but the wooden planks are thinner because their stability and lifespan are longer. If the hardwood use is of good quality and is install correctly, it may last for over 25 to 30 years.

There is no evident advantage of one flooring, but engineered wood flooring is less expensive and easier to install.


The lifespan of a medium to good quality solid hardwood is 30 to 100 years, whereas the lifespan of engineered wood floorings is 20 to 40 years.


Engineered wood flooring typically costs 3$ to 15$ and is comparatively low compare to the cost of solid wood floorings, which is 8$ to 15$.

Thickness, Width, and Length of the planks

The joint width of solid hardwood is two and a half to 4 inches. And the width of engineered hardwood is two and a half to 7 inches.

The usual plank length of engineered hardwood floorings is 12 to 60 inches. And solid wood flooring’s length is 12 to 85 inches.

Solid hardwood flooring’s average thickness is about ¾ inches. Whereas engineered hardwood flooring’s thickness is 9/16 inches and is comparatively thinner than solid hardwood floorings. 

Sanding/Refinishing of hardwood

Solid hardwood can be refurnish two to three times throughout its lifespan. Whereas engineered hardwood can only be refurnished once or, in some cases, twice.

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