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Solid Wood Floors


Solid Wood Floors is about a 100-year-old Denison home that was purchased by a couple from the mid-cities. The house was pretty torn up when they moved in. The floors were scuffed, glued, damaged, you name it. We didn’t realize that there was a piece of plywood under the carpet we removed. We needed to repair that section to blend in with the rest of the floor. Our carpenter did a great job of integrating it into the pattern of the engineered wood flooring installation. You couldn’t even tell it was a patch!

There were some parts that were less than perfect, a couple of watermarks that went all the way through the Solid wood refinishing and installation and original putty that had to be dyed to match. Overall, this century-old floor looked great after it was played twice. The process took three days. The first day we sanded, the second day we sanded and then played, the third day we put on another coat.

The solid wood flooring installations near me are amazing. They last forever, can be stained a completely different color than the original color, and are repairable.

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