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How to Measure the Floor like a Professional for Carpet Installation


Estimating for a new carpet might be perplexing. Because most rooms aren’t perfect rectangles, measuring them can be difficult. When you go shopping, you’ll notice that some prices are per square feet, while others are in square yards. What about padding and carpet installation near me? What is the best way to tell if you’re comparing apples to apples?

Some carpet salesmen are not trained in carpet measuring and may tell you that you will need more carpet than you genuinely do! If over-measuring is deliberate or accidental, it can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. If you want to avoid over-measuring, you should know the accurate methods of measuring even if you are hiring someone for this job.

Make a Drawing

Firstly, take a tape measure of at least 25 feet in length, as well as a pen and paper. Make a diagram of your house or use a computer tool to do it. If you have a two-story house, make two drawings: one for the top level and one for the bottom level. Make a separate drawing for the stairwells and landings.

Measure the Rooms

The only tools required are a tape measure, a calculator, and a pen and paper to record your measurements.

  • Take note of this measurement.
  • Multiply your two measures together.
  • This is the room’s square footage.
  • Lastly, to determine the overall square footage, add the square footage of each room together.

You may apply the 10% rule: Multiply whatever carpet total square footage figure you came up with by ‘1.10’. For estimating reasons, 10% is only an average. Thereby, according to the size of your home and the kind of flooring, the amount of carpet you require will range from 2% to 20% more than what you measured.

Measure your Stairs

Remember that the orientation of your carpet should be down the stairs.

Step 1: Take a stair tread measurement – this is the horizontal section of the staircase you step upon. If your stair treads overhang the riser, you must estimate the tread’s overlapping side where it meets the riser.

Step 2:Now you must measure the riser of the step. Take the riser’s height and width measurements.

Step 3:Once you’ve determined the depth of the tread and the height of the riser, add the two measurements. Multiply the number by the width of the stair to get the total area of carpet you’ll need for a single step.

The Final Verification of Measurements for Carpet Installation

Nevertheless, you don’t need to be concerned about it so much. An expert will validate the final dimensions of your home. You need a professional to double-check all of the pre-installation measurements. He could handle all of the details, and it couldn’t be simpler than that! Perhaps, if you are finding some experts to get this job done perfectly, contact the carpet installation near me. Gazelle Residential will make things simpler and more efficient.

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